A fair trade organic coffee grown by women using the proceeds to benefit themselves, their children, and their community which traditionally oppresses women. The coffee has a very pleasant, chocolatey aroma that also is evident in the taste. Medium acidity, nice full delicate body, very well balanced with prominent chocolate overtones.
The Region
Out of Peru comes a story of strength, unity, and hope. A new niche coffee, Café Femenino, has evolved. It is changing the role of women in remote rural coffee communities. This is the story of women. Not just the women of rural Peru, but women throughout developing nations. Many of these women have no rights, are abandoned, are abused, and are alone with children and no income. Left with no self-esteem, they still hope for a better life.
The Problem
Despite numerous advances in many parts of our world, the marginalization and oppression of women still occurs, especially in areas of extreme poverty. In urban areas of Peru the abuse rate is estimated at 41%. In rural communities the isolation results in an even higher abuse rate. In coffee producing countries they are often isolated and mistreated physically and emotionally – and financially. Insufficient funds and a full spectrum of social problems have hindered attempts to intervene. But with the organic premiums paid by our importer plus Fair Trade premiums, the organization of female coffee farmers and their integration into social, political, and occupational organizations is now being promoted
The Vision
In 2003, the first encounter of Women Coffee Producers was held. Out of this a new idea – separating their coffee from the rest of the production – was proposed as the women, with the combined efforts of PROASSA, CICAP, and CECANOR, searched for ideas to improve their living conditions. For the first time women’s coffee is being segregated out as a specialty commodity. In addition to selling the coffee as Fair Trade, our importer has committed an additional two cents per pound. This extra income goes directly back to the female coffee growers. The women then decide how the additional proceeds will be used to benefit themselves, their children, and their community. Point Roberts Coffee Roasting Company is also committing proceeds to this community.
The Results
There are currently 464 women coffee farmers involved with the Café Femenino Coffee Project. Over the next year, the goal is to strengthen the womens’ efforts through regional and zonal conferences and by promoting activities that provide greater economic opportunities. Our importer is seeking additional funding sources for the training needed to help these women.
The women have committed to continued improvement in their coffee quality so the name Café Femenino stands not only for women’s equality but for quality coffee customers can depend on. The female coffee growers have become better educated, improving the quality of their coffee. They participate in all farm activities. They prepare the terrain, nurseries, and the compost. They fertilize the soil and prepare bio-fertilizers, as well as harvest, de-pulp, ferment and dry the coffee. For many, this business venture is the beginning of breaking the cycle of abuse and poverty.
The Café Femenino story is about hope. By purchasing this coffee, you partner with these new century pioneers in their quest to build a sustainable economic system. We hope you will share the story and the coffee. In doing so, we join together to improve the quality of life, and of the social and economic system for the women coffee farmers in Peru, as well as for women throughout other developing nations.
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Bean Me Up Bob
Medium Roast
Breakfast blend of Bolivian and Cafe Femenino beans results in a soft but very bright, robust and smooth medium roast flavor.